Narcissistic Rage



A raging narcissist displays the emotional maturity of a young child with a temper tantrum.



Read more:

Narcissistic Rage, Retaliation,
and The Smear Campaign.

Narcissistic Supply

Things Toxic People Do
Narcissistic Supply

Narcissistic supply — it’s number one on the list of a narcissist’s “must-haves.” Simply put, narcissistic supply is anything (or anyone) that feeds the narcissist’s ego and keeps them artificially pumped up with the attention, admiration and deference of others. Narcissists have been described as people who are like balloons […]

Criticizing a narcissist

“Narcissists mainly want to punish or defeat someone who has threatened their highly favorable views of themselves.”

“People who are preoccupied with validating a grandiose
self-image apparently find criticism highly upsetting
and lash out against the source of it.”