Protective Mothers Alliance International



Protective Mothers Alliance International

March 17

“We are Unstoppable Protective Mothers, whose children have been ripped from our arms and lives. We are joining our voices as one, to share our stories about family court abuse and corruption. Each heartbreaking tragic story, capturing loss and abuse, is told in our own words and accompanied by stunning photographs based on mother/child milestones missed in our lives. Because of the strong unconditional love we have for our children, we will NOT be stopped…we are UNSTOPPABLE!”

Welcome to PMA International’s Unstoppable Mothers!
Our Unstoppable Mothers campaign is going strong!
Join us! #unstoppablemothers


7 thoughts on “Protective Mothers Alliance International

  1. Reblogged this on mstmha and commented:
    It is now confirmed in my mind that I am not alone as they victimize mother’s and their children. Caused by unlawful judges that push our tolerance to the very limits. Mother’s are now cocooned in a world that has surpassed any humane or even half-normal reality.


    • We are entrenched in a bully culture that normalizes and celebrates abusive behavior. Our only hope of a more humane world is via widespread awareness of this reality. Let’s keep the conversation going!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I am determined to bring this to light and if anyone can direct me to a site that will allow me to upload the court transcripts and CFI reports I have from my case, let me know. They are shocking and I promise incriminating. Thanks for your help.


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